
September 16, 2011

we have this little tradition:
our kids take turns going with husband on his work trips to the philippines.

it’s really a win/win for husband and the kids. big papi gets homesick and really starts to miss us while taking 2-3 week work trips & having a kiddo with him totally helps + it’s very important to us {if you haven’t noticed} that we get our kids out-n-about in the world, we want them to love/respect other countries – admire people everywhere – and really have a good understanding/experience of the world around us. so, these little trips conquer multiple areas of good.

we have gone through the cycle once in this order: myla*kiana*kj, {unfortunatley,


homeless in boston.

September 5, 2011

our family spent much of the summer *scattered all-over the world. when kiana and i headed to nyc for dance nationals, we were there almost two weeks before we took a train to boston to continue our house search. husband went to the philippines for a three week work trip. sela, kj, and myla headed off to southern nevada with family. these younger three spent time jumping between auntie’s and uncles homes, then eventually their aunt nancy drove them across the country in my suv to meet up with kiana and i in boston. {best aunt ever, eh?}

the week kiana and i were house-hunting i put an application in on the second home we tried to get here.


nycda nationals 2011

September 4, 2011

kiana and her dance studio had a great year at nationals. these photos are a glimpse of some of the dances kiana was in… i can’t explain with words how i feel when watching her dance. in fact, with our move to Boston, Kiana has had the longest break from dance that she’s had in about seven years, and i’m really missing seeing her on the stage. next week she and sela start training at the boston ballet school. we will have an entire year or more away from the competition scene, which will be very nice for her technical side of dance, but very strange… i hope to see my girls on stage soon!

we travelled across the country with this lamp post on the plane with us.


flashback friday…

July 1, 2011

right at this moment: i feel completely american, one hundred percent, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes with shivers. i always get that i-think-i-might-cry-about-anything-patriotic- feeling leading up till the fourth. actually, i feel this way every day, but much more intense leading up to the fourth. i always tear up during the national anthem at baseball games… and, also during the olympics.

i see soldiers, in uniform, and i could cry. i see flags, cry. i hear our national anthem, more glossy eyes. i feel the planes fly overhead as our local parade begins. tears.

i love driving around town and spotting all the temporary firework shops,


{post title inspired by this song. it was played last night at fenway as papelbon ran on the field.}

oh my goodness. have you heard the news?!? our next adventure awaits!

husband and i are in boston as i type this, and we have been house-hunting, school-visiting, restaurant-trying, dance-studio searching, etc etc – working out all the details to move our family of six across the country soon…

so, it’s now officially official.


we are finalizing our home plans. we have found a ‘1965 deck house’ in Brookline that has lots of retro charm but needs some love.


happy weekend!

April 1, 2011

my husband has been at the big dance all week. this is one of the largest conventions all year for his company. and, the poor guy – right after he arrived in texas, he had to take himself to a hospital because he was so sick. we thought maybe he had strep throat, but come to find out, he had an ear infection in each ear & his left ear drum had burst! {not good to be flying in such a condition!}

i don’t know about other husbands, but mine does not fair well in pain. {wink, wink} and i’ve been very worried about him all week.

good news: lately,
