halloween 2009

November 2, 2009
halloween is so much fun, and kids make it crazy fun!

we hosted our annual pre-trick-or-treating dinner party
which includes lots of friends, creative costumes, and
creamy chicken noodle soup served in pumpkin bread bowls!

our party…


{halloween: 2007,


indians & nepthys

October 24, 2009

myla’s 4th grade class just wrapped up two months of studying indians, with one final “indian day” at school. The day was packed with fun activities. sela and i went to help for a bit, sela loves visiting her siblings at school. it makes her feel like such a big kid.

it was an option for the kids to dress-up as indians, and myla has a cute pocahontas costume, but she opted not to. instead we just braided her hair, and chose a tan-shirt with ugg boots for an indian-inspired look for the day. Myla has always loved dressing up at home, but takes a “that’s not cool” attitude about dressing up at school! even in 1st and 2nd grade she refused to wear her halloween costume to school for the halloween party and would walk around the halloween-parade in her regular school clothes,


a night on the town

September 30, 2009

with our big girls…

miley cyrus & dinner @ cucina tuscana

{it was a late night for myla, she crashed on my lap before her dinner arrived.}
kiana & valtor {the owner of cucino tuscana, we’re very fond of him.}

the concert was awesome, my fave moment was when miley rode the motorcycle above the crowd {see picture above} and sang, “i love rock ‘n roll!”

and dinner was delicious, as expected.

it’s so fun to take our girls out on the town. of course, it’s more fun when moosey stays awake all evening.


taking “soccer mom”

September 22, 2009

to a whole new level.

this year, we have three kids playing outdoor soccer. for the past few years, only kj and myla have played, kiana retired a while ago…

but this season, kiana’s interest resurfaced and she’s squeezing in soccer games whenever she can between her 18 hours/week dance schedule…

three kids playing soccer =
5 practices a week,
6 games a week,
for five weeks.

dusty and i love every minute of sitting at our kids’ soccer games…even when they are unsure of their passion for being there {like kj}.
