create something…
our saturday mornings are indefinitely scheduled like this:drop kiana off at dance then take kj & myla to their junior league tennis tournaments…
look how cute these two are while
struttin’ their mad tennis skills!
the junior league tournaments are to help the younger kids practice in a real-game setting. kj and myla will participate in these every saturday morning until they are able to keep score on their own {really well} and have a killer serve. then we join the utah tennis association, and become serious tennis players.
two more pictures…
from halloween.
becky just sent these to me, she found them in her halloween pictures. i really think they are better than every picture i took on halloween. darn. i would love her to just follow us around, photographing our lives. or i would like a camera like hers. or i’d like her lens{s}.
thanks beckster.
red ribbon week
here in utah, red ribbon week is a week-long focus on choosing to say no to drugs.
this past week, our kids joined their friends at school in daily themes, activities, and fun assemblies…
monday: wear red
“red ribbon day” opening assembly with magician
tuesday: dress up ready to dance, listen or play music
“tune out drugs!” the kids had a lunch-dance which included the hokey pokey, chicken dance, and limbo!
wednesday: dress up as what you want to be when you grow up
“you can live the dream…if you don’t do drugs” a presentation on the brain and effects of drugs,