back to school…
i love new school supplies!
because husband has been out of town, the kids & i decided in july,
i love new school supplies!
because husband has been out of town, the kids & i decided in july,
my kids are always racing.
kj’s famous last words, “last one there is a rotten egg!” as he has already
taken off running…
they race to answer the door when the doorbell rings.
they race to get the mail… everywhere. they race.
our latest race..
as we pull into our driveway,
they yell at me to “stop!!!!”
they all bail out of the suv.
line-up on the driveway,
and race down our driveway, around the corner, into the garage,
on the day we dropped him off at the airport,
we {me, my kids, plus a few of their friends} spent the afternoon in slc.
our main event was going here.
we love our annual tradition of visiting the animals.
we chose the best day to go!
we were there for two and a half hours in the late afternoon,
there were maybe fifty people in the entire zoo!
this summer, she moved up one league level in soccer.
she said good-bye to city rec. and is now playing in “AA”
their team is being coached by two of her friends’ dads,
a local tournament, the idea being to get the girls
united as a team, and some experience together before
their real season begins.
they did so good!
i was so proud of them!