back to school x4…

September 1, 2010

back to school night, the excitement of seeing all the
new classrooms for the year~

this year, we all attended sela’s preschool open house,
she is in love with her special school bag.
sela gets to have ‘show ‘n tell’ everyday…
the day before her first day of school, i explained show ‘n tell to her…
grasping the idea she went running to her room, to choose an item,
passing kiana she said,

“i get to have show ‘n tell at my school!!! and you don’t weirdo!!!”

{she thinks she’s the bomb. we do too.}


kj & myla’s back to school night at our elementary…


my husbands older brother lives on a ranch in reno, just outside of the city.
his wife, is an incredible rodeo-queen coach…

they board horses, and auntie trains on average twenty girls who come and go all week long. some of them stay for a few days, some come for one… but everyday there are pre-teen and teenage girls at their ranch, riding horses & training for rodeos.

a girls horse heaven. you can imagine.

last summer {here}, our girls had the time of their lives while they spent five days at their uncle & auntie’s ranch.

this summer, our girls begged to go again,


our end of summer hoorah…

August 31, 2010
we love this mountain city.

it feels like our own little hideaway.
40 minute drive from our front door.
not too far, a beautiful drive.
the alpine slide.
the coaster {our fave!}
zip lines…

without realizing it, we’ve made it a tradition to end
our kids’ summer vacation with a weekend in park city.

the final family hoorah, before school begins.

boo to summer ending. i really dislike early mornings.
{to check out last year, see here.}


my babe comes home today…

August 12, 2010
he’s been gone for exactly 24 days.



that’s the longest we have been apart from one another,


yeah, longest we’ve been apart since we’ve been married, engaged,
and the time we spent dating.

dearest army spouses:

we have no idea how you do it.
big big KUDOS, to you all.

here’s a picture he sent me about a week ago…

while working, here, he takes breaks with the guys to play a little volleyball..



August 10, 2010

watching kj & myla play tennis…
it is one of the best things ever!

since the end of May, they have spent most their tennis time
playing on outdoor courts.

they still attend saturday morning tournaments whenever possible.

those little tennis skirts moosey wears,
cutest things ever. kills me.

on the right, myla with one of their coaches, vasil.
