Love, 15, 30, 40…

March 10, 2011

my moosey has been playing tennis for about 18 months now, and her heart strings are attached to the sport. i think she has actually decided to weed-out other sports this coming spring & summer to continue down the tennis road.

during the past 18 months, she’s been attending saturday morning tennis tournaments at our local tennis club. these are small tournaments for the kids to practice in preparation for real tournaments…

and, her first real tournament was a couple of weeks ago…

she is now a registered player with the UTSA, and i think she’s even more hooked than before.

prior to her first match,


sushi dinner party

March 3, 2011

our daughter’s party was saturday night & on sunday evening we hosted a dinner party sushi-style to celebrate danny’s big 4-0. needless to say, it was one big weekend full of party love!

who is danny? well, if you are new-er reader to this blog… he is “our” bff. quite often known as “the howell boys,” because he has three handsome sons. these three boys are like three marvelous big brothers to kj. the howell boys even have a label, over ‘on the blog’ list because they are a very frequent visitor in our life.

have you seen the movie ‘you, me, & dupree?” well. yeah. that sums it up.


♥ a teen-y party ♥

March 2, 2011

ohhh, where to begin…

let me start a few months back. i had explained to kiana for months previous to her birthday, that we were simplifying everything this year – meaning: honey, you’re old enough that we can downsize with your birthday party. and, being the mature young woman that she is, she was totally content with that. she didn’t expect anything.

then, about a month ago, i told her:
ok, we will plan a fun afternoon with some of your besties. and that’s it.

and, she was ecstatic. couldn’t wait!

we made these invitations, she delivered them to eight friends &


nycda – las vegas

February 21, 2011

earlier this month, we headed to vegas for a few days.

we had a great weekend mixed with dance & normal-vegas-visiting-events…

under blue warm skies,

we stayed at the vdara in the new city center.

it’s so nice, especially with kids. very central to the miracle mile shops, clean. new. contemporary. spacious. no casino {i like that when traveling as a family.} Even if we were disappointed that there weren’t any casinos near us, we could always just turn to online casinos instead. At least we’d still be together as a family. I have heard from my friends that some sites have a Welcome Offer when you join a new website,


*our girls*

February 18, 2011
there was a phase of our life, when these two girls were our only babies.

they are 22 months apart.

and, we really debated not having any more kids.

i was charmed by husband saying things like, “for my girls” and “there’s my girls” in reference to the three of us.

we thought two kids was perfect, one for each of us to manage, when moments get crazy.

{ha! that didn’t last long… we had two more, now we think 4 is perfect!}

but, for 3 years, kiana and myla were *our girls,*
we lived in Asia &


wanna trade?

February 18, 2011

this year, two of my girls lucked out with the cutest shirts from ‘one stitch at a time.’

alison, is a familiar link around here, because she used to be a sponsor for see jane blog. since i no longer have sponsors, i still love trading goods whenever possible! i created some new graphics for alison and her shop, and she created these darling-one-of-a-kind shirts for sela and myla

i still have a surprise coming in the mail for st.
