flashback friday…

April 15, 2011

just a few short years ago… i’m guessing 2003-2008 we had hens. for a few years! we even had a couple easter-egger’s, so when we collected the eggs each day, there was a beautiful mix of brown, white, green, and blue eggs. it was storybook perfect. my little kiddos just loved it. even grandma loved it.

we called our hens, “city chicks!”

i used to go to our local IFA, and get li’l baby chicks each easter to have them running around when the easter bunny came hoppin’ through – each year we had new chicks to add to the mix. one of the highlights of the new chicks was naming them –


happy weekend!

April 8, 2011

it’s officially spring break for my kids at 4pm. today.

husband is traveling, so the kiddos and i are making big plans for the next ten days. i’m thinking about putting them in the car & road-trippin’ somewhwere, but i can’t pick a good, 3-4 day destination! any ideas?!? not vegas. not l.a., washington is a bit too far to drive in that time… we’re going to zions in may. !!! where should we go???

this morning, i am starting spring break early by heading over to the bijou market with girlfriends! we gotta get there while the pickin’s good!

it’s today, and tomorrow. you don’t want to miss it!


our cousins from southern cali spent a few days with us earlier this month. we played blokus {our fave family board game!} + played rook + stayed up till the wee hours of the morning + engaged in soul-searching conversations + went skiing + visited the bean museum + stopped by the byu bookstore for candy + spent the afternoon at the provo beach resort + ate at malawi’s + ordered pizza + cheered for myla at futsol + made a big taco bar at home with our fave starter sauce + ordered in indian food + gained a few pounds in just a few days…



March 21, 2011

i met alessandra during the alt. design summit in january.

she makes the most adorable pequenos. if you have a baby, go check it out. it makes me almost want to have another baby, just to bundle them up in one of her designs – they’re that cute!

recently, she also posted about eating radishes.


just plain radishes. and, my curiosity peaked.

i had only had radishes on salads, never alone.

so, we had to try it. i brought home four bundles of radishes, rinsed them,


our day of green usually includes:

♣ a visit from a leprechaun, bringing something green to wear.

♣ green crepes & green milk for breakfast.

♣ lots of green snacks & sometimes green dinner too…

kj’s boston jersey is an original by pro look sports, husbands company.

i used my sparkling water bottles from here, for vases to decorate our breakfast table.

i filled them with individual flowers from a large bouquet via costco. i’m a big big fan of fresh flowers in my kitchen.


flashback friday…

March 11, 2011

when husband and i were married on february 1, 1996,
we went on our winter honeymoon to tahoe.

south lake tahoe.

undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful places in the world!

we spent our days skiing…at heavenly.

{not sad at all that those random red gloves went missing! in fact, thank the lawd all of that ski get-up is missing…oh. this picture cracks me up!}

i did not grow up snow skiing.

in fact, the first time i went skiing was on a date in high school.

then, when i was at college in southern utah, cedar city gets an insane amount of snow,
