my days are typically something like this:

8am: wake up, wake up KJ, make sure kiana is getting ready, breakfast one, make beds, start laundry, beg KJ to stay focused!

8:45am: take KJ to tennis, take Kiana to dance…before leaving wake-up myla, and enjoy sela’s morning snuggles before running out the door again.

9:45am: breakfast two, take myla to tennis, bring KJ home, drop off sela at preschool summer camp. make traditional stop for KJ’s pina-colada icee and treat.

11am: pick up myla from tennis. second pina-colada icee stop.

11:15am: find entertainment for kids while i work-out while watching season 5 of desperate housewives…almost done with season 5…{love it!!!} shower.


schools out!!!

May 31, 2010

woot! woot!

on the last day of school, my kids had to go from 8:45 am-10:15am. {lame.}

then we all attended sela’s little gym show.

ate lunch at chuck e. cheese’s.

went home and the neighborhood kids started appearing at our house.

{we have always been the ‘hang-out’ house. which i love.}

dusty organized a serious game of wiffleball. {picture above}

i think he loves playing wiffleball with all the neighborhood kids, because HE loves playing wiffleball. love that man. so cute to see him out entertaining them!


volleyball nite

September 9, 2009

number nine!
{i’m still hoping for a few more}

we concluded our labor day weekend with good friends, good food,
and some awesome sand volleyball!

why did we have huge balloons? no reason. just fun. where did the ginormous balloons come from? we were lucky enough to have those given to us after the incredibly-talented becky spent her morning taking gorgeous pictures of my girls,


volleyball nite

August 21, 2009

number eight.

on the evening of our kids’ first day back to school,
we couldn’t help but to have a little party!

we had a bbq-swimming-volleyball-reunion with some pals from our previous neighborhood…

it was fun to re-connect with everyone.

thank you to all the families who came,


volleyball nite

August 7, 2009

number six!

our evening was extra wonderful because we had special guests who are in town visiting this week. they included the granums and the farnsworth’s! it was so great to have these friends here for an entire evening. we only wish we always had more time with you.

scotty told me tonight, “jane, you have an awesome backyard.” and in reply i reminded him… “i love our backyard, but having our backyard packed full of incredible friends is what we really love.”

thank you to everyone who visits our home. some of you spend more than two hours driving time to get here…we really appreciate that you take time out of your busy schedules to pack up your families,
