thanksgiving 2011

December 12, 2011

…i had attempted to get most of the cooking/baking done the day before so i could enjoy the festivities with our gang.

we started the day at our local high school football game.

wellesley vs. needham
this is the oldest h.s. rivalry in the nation!
is that so cool?!?

sadly, we lost…

but, clearly, we still had fun!
look at all of us cheeeeesin:

we have this tradition that on thanksgiving,
we have “snacks” for lunch –
crackers, deli meat, cheese, veggies, pickles, fruit, dips…

and then –


i will be honest. when cooking thanksgiving dinner is a one-persom-job, it is really overwhelming. Everyone was so helpful, but really, i was still doing it alone. and, i have no idea why… but, Thanksgiving dinner always overwhelms me. Christmas doesn’t. Easter doesn’t. I can plan 20 activities for Halloween and i’m fine. I get really emotional with Thanksgiving – all that gratitude on my mind + a big meal to prepare = everyone was lucky i only had one meltdown this year. sometimes it’s worse!

the yummy side of things: we tried a turkey brine this year for the first time. i also chose an organic turkey for the first time. so, i’ve yet to decide if our turkey was so delicious &


Cheers Boston

December 11, 2011

I get asked all the time, “why is your husband a red sox fan if he’s from nevada?”

first of all, Nevada doesn’t have any professional sports teams.

second, husband watched the tv show “Cheers” as a kid, and was a Sam Malone fan.
in the show, Sam Malone was the bartender who was a Sox pitcher.

…at six years old that started husbands passion for the Sox & all of the New England sports teams —
Celtics. Patriots. Bruins.

it was mandatory that we take our kiddos + the Howell boys to the Cheers bar/restaurant on beacon hill.

Taking a break from all your worries,


…and we spent five days simply enjoying one another’s company.


for the past few years susan has had dark hair. yet, she’s notorious for this pattern: blonde – dark brown – blonde – dark brown, it’s just been a long time since she’s been blonde! so, we were chatting to each other on our cell phones as she walked out of the airport –

i said, “i see mckenna! where are you?!?

and, sure enough – she was right next to kenna! rockin’ the blonde hair’do!

i totally didn’t recognize her! obviously, we were overdue for spending some time together!!!

on her first evening in boston,


♥ big papi ♥

December 4, 2011

…because we were traveling over husband’s birthday, the kiddos celebrated with him before we left on our trip.

lots of homemade love to celebrate his special day!


halloween * beacon hill

November 16, 2011

our halloween was charm-on-steroids. have you heard of beacon hill? no? well, it’s the nicest-{expensive}-upper-end-neighborhood-with-federal-style-rowhouses in the city of boston. known for its narrow, gas-lit streets and brick sidewalks. and, did you know there is a list of the top 20 places to trick-or-treat in the USA? {this was news to me!} combine these thoughts: and yes, beacon hill rates #2 in the nation!

first, a few glimpses of our home for the spooky holiday –

…since we’re living in a home that is 150 years old, i’m taking advantage of the colonial-charm whenever possible. i don’t consider this “my style,” but i enjoy the creative process of utilizing what the home has to offer for each holiday!
