Independence Day

July 27, 2015

July 4th – The pinnacle of summer here in Utah, our fourth was spent well. The holiday co-exists with our local Provo Freedom Festival which includes hot air balloon launches every morning for three days, a grand parade – LOTS of people stay up all night to camp out for good viewing spots and that includes most of the teenagers staying out all night, a 5K and 10K race, a carnival, and more…

I mentioned this on instagram, but will repeat myself here: This past spring we started watching home videos from when our older kids were little. We spent weeks watching them and Sela was the most obsessed – seeing what life was like in our family before her…


Myla and I went on our first Ordinary Hero mission in June. I still don’t have the right words for the experience. I shared a few of the highlights on instagram @see_jane, and I created the video above to remember as many details as possible.

I find my greatest confidence as a mom in the secret language I share with my children. During this trip that included Myla squeezing my hand when she was overwhelmed with emotions as she helped a child. A quick glance I would give Myla as children ran to greet us. Good night hugs that speak volumes. We have ways of letting each other know we need more or we’re getting enough.


moab | spring break 2015

April 12, 2015

We like Moab, Utah. So for the second year in a row we planned spring break in the land of red arches with friends and good food attached.

If you are thinking about going there, might I suggest:

Glamping at Moab Under Canvas.
Any and every meal at Peace Tree Juice Cafe.
Don’t miss the “Rotary Park” music park.
Rock climbing on “wall street” – shown at the beginning of our film.
Razoring on Hell’s Revenge – a 4×4 trail.
And obviously, Arches National Park and Canyonlands.



March 9, 2015

sweet seventeen celebration at grand america in slc via seejaneblogKiana’s birthday was the end of February, and she turned seventeen! To celebrate we spent the eve of her birthday in the company of good friends and family. We had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – Valter’s Osteria in SLC, we spent the night at the Grand America hotel and enjoyed swimming and more. I gave each of her girlfriends & sisters a tote that I made that said, “FRIES before GUYS” and I surprised them with matching PJ’s as party favors in the bags. We told funny stories and laughed all night. It was good. I love these teens so much, they are such good kids, and it’s so fun that they each embrace Kiana’s siblings like family when we are all together.


Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

January 4, 2015


I hope you all had a lovely holiday season. I hope it included time with friends and family, and you felt loved. And enjoyed as much time as possible being lazy!!!

We have returned home from our annual holiday pilgrimage to Cabo, Mexico. It was a brutal return to frigid temps here in Utah. So, we are holding on to these warm memories as long as we can!

Feliz Navidad! Feliz Ano Nuevo!!! xo.

*Santa brought all the girls Swedish Hasbeens in Mexico… we are all a family of has-beens now! 😉



November 8, 2014














My Myla just finished her freshman year of high school tennis. She has been playing tennis since she was seven, and devoting a lot of time to her training since she was nine. But, this was her first time to be on a tennis team and she absolutely loved it. The season went by way too fast.
