if you are “blog-stalking,” a term i am not comfortable with.

i like to think of it as a sunday drive…


if anyone is out perusing pretty things, great ideas, or looking for inspiration.

in case you have missed becky {i highly recommend booking a photo shoot with her!}, amy {check out her adorable home decor/style}, or the rockstar diaries {i love the happy lists.}

i highly recommend driving by.

also, if you are not familiar with nie nie,


not so long ago, I introduced bonbon,
my husbands nephew’s-wife* Margaret’s goodgood blog.
{*yeah. technically, we’re not related.}

This oh-so-hip family made a visit to our home this past week and spent a few days staying with us, they will be moving closer to us soon…

I can’t wait!

till then, let me share Margaret’s first ride on a segway-
{she did great!}
and their adorable girl whom is bound to be a favorite playmate of my little miss two-
even when you’re two, it’s all about the shoes!
we were able to have one date night with T &


April 27, 2009

soooo, i went private for a few days…tested it out.

it didn’t feel right, i missed my blogging community.

i’m public again.

we’ll see how it goes – my protective hubby dislikes some of the “anonymous” comments I get… I tend to laugh them off. the rockstars {maybe i ADORE naomi} seem to have had a few challenges with the same thing lately, sometimes there are some sad people in this world…but i want to believe there are more wonderful, inspiring, cupcake-loving people to conquer the others…


bonbon living

March 12, 2009
my husbands half-sister sons wife… is margaret. i have always admired margaret, she is a modern day woman overflowing with talent.

margaret has an announcment!


help a mother out, share the bonbon {literally meaning good,good}!


who are you?

March 3, 2009

recently I have become more curious as to who exactly is reading my blog? On average I receive 300 hits per day. I only have a handful of loyal friend readers who leave me – a handful of comments. I like comments and maybe I want to get to know a few of my readers, better… so, who are you?

Allow me to clarify one thing, I like “sweet & witty remarks.”

NOTHING derogatory.

So, who are you? My stat counter also tells me I have a decent European following and inside the continental United States the mid-west, southern and eastern states seem to have quite a large group of readers…
