Artists in training

January 23, 2008

Some of you may remember back in September when I did a post about Kiana & Myla in their first year of art school. Well, my girls are starting to bring home the masterpieces! I am anxious to start framing some of their art and displaying it around our home. They spent most of the Fall doing sketches/pencil drawings to learn many of the basics. Now they have started using pastels. They both really enjoy going to class and when they come out of class they always wish they could stay longer. Here’s their artwork!



Hermitage School of Art

September 18, 2007

Kiana and Myla, “my girls,” started art lessons last week and today I sneaked into their 2nd lesson at the end. It’s only been 2 weeks, but they are really loving it. I am anxiously waiting for their first pieces of art work to be framed around the house. Here are my girls attentively working on their “graph” drawings –
