spring break day 1

April 12, 2008

The next 9 days we are on vacation in our home town and home state… Kiana spent the day in Ogden for “L.A. Dance Magic,” dance convention and I am going to meet up with her at 7am tomorrow morning for the competition.

Myla, KJ, and I kicked off spring break at Color Me Mine, a local pottery company…
Then we went to ,”Horton Hears a Who,” and L-O-V-E-D it! L-O-V-E Steve Carell, This could be in the ranks of Shrek for me.


embroidery hoops

April 8, 2008

I saw this idea on a blog, and for the life of me can not find who/where it came from now… I would like to give credit where credit is due, so if anyone stumbles over a post similiar to this but in a sewing shop – let me know!

This was so easy, and I love how it turned out. Even better, it was so inexpensive to do! I purchased 9 wooden embroidery hoops from Roberts for about $12.00 total and used some fabric I had and purchased a couple new small pieces… I put the fabric in the hoops, tightened them up, trimmed the excess fabric and hung them up – how easy is that!? On the blog where I got the idea,


Caryn and I are underway with our oil painting class. We had a great time during our first class and can’t wait to see how our first projects turn out. We are the only two in the class under 60 years old. The class is excited to have some younger blood attending, my piece was the only contemporary/non-tree-scenery piece being worked on in the class. It is a cactus with blossoms. I love it, and hope I can make it look close to the original. We took before pictures and I’ll post the results when they are done.


paper, paint, & beads

March 15, 2008

I was shopping in “Soel Boutique”in the Riverwoods a couple of days ago and noticed this wall of artwork, it’s fabulous! It inspired me to get out the construction paper, paint, and beads…maybe I’ll get to it this weekend with the kids. I would love Myla to have a wall of art work in her room similar to this…


20 Yawkey Way…

March 14, 2008

@ the Rhodes house!
Barbara Nielsen, Daphne Blanchard’s very talented Mom, finished our basement play room this week! I am so impressed with her talents. Everytime she paints I’m convinced she’s one of the most talented people ever!

a BOSTON train station for our little Engineer…KJ
The train arrives in Boston and has it’s own BallPark Entrance to Fenway!
