
May 7, 2013

kiana sweatshirt

myla with arrow

KJ doing homework

sela waiting

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: rarely wears sweatshirts, but has picked up on the trend from the teen scene where we live.
myla: currently likes: archery in our backyard.
kj: enjoys doing his homework in husbands home office.
sela: always waiting to go somewhere, with someone… the baby of the family gets dragged everywhere.



April 28, 2013





“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: has a closet full of incredible clothes, but still prefers to wear mine.
myla: extremely diligent with doing her homework.
kj: finished spring-cleaning his room this week. i had to stay in his room with him almost the entire time and remind him about every two minutes to stay focused. my easily distracted boy – there may have been some bribing involved too.
sela: stole brothers hat and the stripe obsession continues



April 21, 2013





“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: enjoys cooking. she made two {low-carb} family dinners this week – chicken peanut-curry, and spicy chicken basil stir-fry! {they were both phenomenal!}
myla: takes Chinese at school and gives herself character-pen-tats
KJ: just a small patch of freckles on that nose.
sela: overheard me call kiana “bug” this week, and replied, “mom! you can’t call her bug, i’m your only bug… you can call her {paused… thinking… thinking.. thinking…} worm.”



April 14, 2013





“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: recently had “technology” taken away indefinitely. she’s having serious “snap chat” withdrawals – i catch her looking in mirrors making faces like this!
myla: has discovered a new interest in jazz music. miles davis baby.
kj: he’s playing for the astros in nationals little league this season. so now, big papi made sure we all own astros hats!
sela: likes to make me notes that say “sela ♥ mom”. i have a collection.



April 7, 2013

kiana at softball

myla outside

KJ in sunglasses

sela lounging

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

*kiana: wants to grow up and be a professional hair stylist/make-up artist. for hollywood.
myla: wants to grow up and be an archeologist. and play tennis.
kj: wants to grow up and become “the next Steve Jobs.”
sela: wants to grow up and be a fashion designer.

*she made her high school freshman softball team!!! and, she has been asked to occasionally play on the JV team. her first game was a JV game this past friday.



March 31, 2013

Kiana BW

Myla BW


sela BW

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

me: when I say, “Easter” what are the first two words that come to mind?

kiana: eggs. bunny.
myla: jesus. eggs.
kj: egg. fun.
sela: easterrr-geasterrr.
