the winner will get to choose any {one} custom item from her shop!
i am in awe of alison’s talent, she has made the most adorable items for sela. the latest one is the “S” tee, that Sela just loves! look at the thick purple rick-rack, i love that detail! whenever sela finds an “S” lately she says, “hey look! there’s my name!” so, this tee is perfect for her right now!
i also think these birthday year shirts would be perfect for birthday parties. Alison has her shop full of summer fun right now! head on over to her etsy shop, choose a favorite, leave a comment below telling me which is your fave and a winner will be announced on monday, may 31st…memorial day. happy summer!
…think how adorable it would be to plan custom tees & onesies for cousins this summer at family reunions! or 4th of july tees!!!
sew much fun!!!
Love, love, love the owl shirt! What is so stinkin' cute about owls? I dunno, but we love them at our house!
My girlie would LOVE an "M" shirt for her name! What a cute and fun way to show off their spunk.
All of these shirts are so cute, but I especially like the cupcake, monogram, and owl designs for my daughter Rian!
I have a new neice Isabelle Marie.
She needs a cute onsie, but they are all too cute to choose from we calle her IzzyB, so I'd have to design one if I win!!!
Would love a T-shirt with a "P" on it for my little Presley girl. Also love the double daisy shirt! So cute!
The Girly Galoshes Tshirt is my pick!
I love monograms! is my favorite. I would put an A on a green shirt b/c green pops my girls' red hair. I would get a size 6T for my Ava and then pass it on to my Addie (who turned 2 yesterday!!) when she turns 6! One shirt for 2 phenomenal girls!!!
Her clothes are so cute!I like the popcicles and cherries best…
How fun! I love the funky flowers and the owl. I think it would also be fun to get a picture of my kids in monogrammed shirts. What a fun find.
I love the fun funky flowers shirt but wow there is a lot I love on the website..
I love the Choo Choo Train shirt! A gf at work is having her first boy and it would be a great gift for her!
SO cute! I love Sela's little shirt
I am also so impressed with Alison's work. Always something new and cute.
I love the birthday shirts, that would make the kiddos feel so special on their b-day! Love your blog.
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