2009. you were really good to me. thanks for the beautiful memories. you’ll forever be tagged in my head as one of my favorite years yet…..
a few reasons why:
i went back to college. never realizing till i got there how much a challenging-inspiring, creative-educational outlet was needed in my life.
this movie. maybe one of the best films ever!
got bangs
sitting by my man for three days of this.
never-before-seen blossoms showed up on my hindu plant!
my four kiddo’s celebrated their birthdays with a movie, star wars, princess party {twice}, and a space mission party…i loved planning these little soiree’s!
with insane energy we hosted ten nights of this, friends make my life complete. love love love warm summer nights.
my summer was oh-so-complete after getting to spend a week in beverly hills with my bearzy.
i still can’t believe we did this, it literally look my breath away!
in even more amazement, i can’t believe i went to regina spektor IN CONCERT!
but then there are always the things that had to go in 2009:
my bangs {recently due to dusty’s continual mentioning of his fondness for my forehead}
our dear friends moved, please come back!
much of our stuff. continually on the prowl to keep our home de-cluttered & organized.
my running shoes. they have been retired to strictly work-out shoes. as much as i’d like to chalk up a 10K or marathon on my ‘have-done’ list, it’s better i accept now that it’s not going to happen!
kaymen, our dog, was moved from our house to grandma’s house due to his constant old-age pooping in our house. he’s doing much better at grandma’s!
art history. loved the classes, abhorred the tests!
black iced-tea at the nordstrom cafe’. was i really the only person ordering it? please come back.
looking forward to 2010 because:
this little fondness of mine has inspired me to move forward with a few projects. {i will share this with you soon, bloggers!}
i will learn more about graphic design.
i am going to drink more water, tap water.
my hair will get longer, again. maybe healthier, too.
i have some fun little home makeovers planned, can’t wait to share them with you!
sugar is delicious, but in the midst of the holidays, i’m tired of feeling blah. can’t wait to be eating healthy again!
looking forward to going country dancing with some friends, one of these days…
the winter olympics. go team usa! i get a patriotic high during the olympics and find myself crying during all the ceremonies.
i am going to rock my budget. really.
spring & summe
r will come again.
inside my head, i am off to an excellent start…
love this post! i am so glad i made a few of the items… i love you jane and the friendship we have. you are an amazing person and i'm glad that i could ring in 2010 with such a fabulous friend as you!
Jane, you really are and amazing person! Thanks for always being an inspiration! Lots of Love
honey you really are so amazing! I love that you are so creative and talented. You can throw a serious party! I am loving looking back at all the Volleyball nights.. One of my favorite summer memories, thanks for always planning them.
Love you guys…
oh and so you threw out your running shoes and now bring on the biking shoes! We are hitting the mountain this year baby…