cub scout!
kj is thrilled to be starting cub scouts…
the cheers, the badges to earn, hanging out with his buddy nate =
he’s lovin’ every minute of it!
thanks to my girlfriend caryn for keeping me in the cub-scouts loop…
otherwise, i would have no idea what i’m doing!
i.e. “what does he wear to cub scouts?”
{i’m really clueless. i’m so much more qualified in the girl arena!}
I am with you there. I can do girls, but boys–LOL sometimes I am clueless. I am the Bear Scout leader in my ward now, and I dont know what the heck I am doing either.
Holy Schmoly…I can't believe he is already old enough to be in scouts. I was like you …didn't know a thing about the scouting deal. Kade has loved it. I truly believe it is the leaders they have. Good Luck and enjoy sewing on all the PATCHES!
Yay for KJ. That is so fun for him. I can't believe Sela is 3. Where did the time go? I miss seeing you and Kiana everyday. Good thing for blogs or I would go crazy:)
So cute! We got burnt out on scouts after just 1 year. The boys really do like it. We should look into starting again. Have fun KJ!