volleyball nite

number six!

our evening was extra wonderful because we had special guests who are in town visiting this week. they included the granums and the farnsworth’s! it was so great to have these friends here for an entire evening. we only wish we always had more time with you.

scotty told me tonight, “jane, you have an awesome backyard.” and in reply i reminded him… “i love our backyard, but having our backyard packed full of incredible friends is what we really love.”

thank you to everyone who visits our home. some of you spend more than two hours driving time to get here…we really appreciate that you take time out of your busy schedules to pack up your families, food, towels, clothing, etc. to spend summer evenings with us.

we love you and cherish our relationships with you. xoxo

4 responses to “volleyball nite”

  1. I love these nights at your house! SO much fun, and the kids all play so good.
    Thanks for being such a wonderful host, you have made my Summer AWESOME!

    Cute pictures… I love the one of Myla in the pool with Boston and chase in the background, so darling!

  2. oh and the night games are so much fun, and getting more dangerous with all these airsoft guns now, haha! I have the greatest pictures coming soon…

  3. So sad to have missed the GHS 15 Year Reunion! 🙁 But we will make it next time for sure! Looks like you had a great time (as usual!) even without us! Have fun in Yosemite… See you next week!

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