s c r a b b l e

I started to organize the new bunco group and started thinking that a monthly scrabble night might be more fun.

Ladies, What do you think?

We could still host dinner, play a few rounds of scrabble, have some prizes…

Let me know…

6 responses to “s c r a b b l e”

  1. That’s such a cute idea! I love your blog! It’s the cutest one I have seen. So, I think I am going to be addicted to blogging!

  2. I’ll do either. The fun part about Bunco is switching tables so you are constantly changing who you are socializing with. Just a thought, but either would be fun!

  3. Scrabble… Bunko… does the game really matter? It really more about the socializing so either is fine… even just a “Game Night” where we switch games each time would be a fun regular get-together. I’ve thought of that before, but never taken the initiative to actually organize… sorry I’m such a loser.

    The pic KILLS me by the way! (Is that a 1940’s version of our good girlfriend/psycho Scrabble player AA? If so, who is that with her?)

  4. LOL. I can’t make either 🙁 but I guess I’d have to vote for Bunco because those scrabble be-yotches are scaring me!

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