ordinary hero

Jane and Myla Rhodes, orginary heros organization via seejaneblogHappy Valentine’s Day, friends!!! I hope your weekend is filled with love and the people you love most! Do you feel like sharing some love today?

Myla and I are planning to join the orindary hero organization this June for a trip to Ethiopia to serve children in villages, orphanages, and the countryside. We’ve joined together with others who will be partnering with Ethiopian organziations in an effort to make sure kids there who are waiting for adoptions have the nutritious food, and resources they need to grow, learn and play like we, as a family, are able to do every day.

Ordinary Hero’s mission is to inspire and empower ORDINARY people to make an extraordinary difference in the life of a child in need.
entoto-mountain-childrenIn preparation for this trip, we are starting to fundraise and right now there is a generous grant available to the affiliate who sells the most Ordinary Hero items from their online shop. Between now and Sunday at midnight on *February 15th* if Myla and I bring in the most sales – we could earn one of two grants: the top seller receives an additional $1,000 and the second $500 towards their trip expenses. Also, to help give back, 40% of every purchase goes to the affiliate who is linked to the sale! Who doesn’t LOVE online shopping for a good cause?!?

I really like these tees. I believe in what they stand for. I like the design. A couple of ideas: I think these green tees would be perfect for St. Patrick’s day next month, and I LOVE the red raglan style and red tees for the fourth of July!!! (I ordered all of those for my kids!)

click HERE to check out the shop!

ordinary hero tees via seejaneblogAll you need to do is choose “our names – Jane or Myla Rhodes” from the drop down box at checkout so you we get credit! This is VERY important folks!

Also, if the clothing doesn’t interest you – you can participate in our trip by donating items we will need such as: bananas, sheep, donkeys, chickens, milk, a mattress – and more! We will be delivering these items to the orphanages and other ministries we are working with there. (look HERE.)

ordinary hero via seejaneblogWhy are Myla and I participating? About four months ago, Myla came to me and said, Mom. I want to get more involved with humanitarian work. And she was persistent. She brought up this topic of conversaition – all the time. So we started looking for ways to get more involved in our community and internationally. Right about this same time, one of my girlfriends – Beverly Soutas – who has an active role in the Ordinary Hero organization posted on Instagram and Facebook that she and her husband would be leaders on a trip to Ethiopia this next June. Instantly I knew this was something Myla and I could get involved with. And that we did! If you are interested in helping us with this goal – you can help by making a purchase that I mentioned above or donate directly to our trip HERE. With the average readers I have daily here on See Jane blog – if EVERY one of you donated three dollars, it would cover the expenses for both of us on this trip – life is truly a cycle of service and love, lets change the world for one – together. LOVE.

Also, if this trip interests you – there are still spots open! Read more here.

If you’d like to purchase these items to help us – clothing or supplies – we still receive 40% of the profit towards our trip if you choose our names at checkout, regardless if you purchase them by the 15th —

Thank you, thank you, thank you – sweet friends. TIGHTS GROUP HUGS from both of us,
Jane & Myla.

2 responses to “ordinary hero”

  1. Africa holds a special place in my heart. I went to Kenya in 2007 on a humanitarian trip and I still think about those kids all the time. I miss them terribly. I hope that you and Myla have an amazing trip. What a wonderful family you have. Can’t wait for my Ordinary Hero shirt to come! YAY!

  2. Hi jane!
    I wanted to pass along this blog link. My brother is a pediatric dentist in Austin Texas. He and his wife have chose to give each of their children a service/humanitarian experience and have chosen to focus their efforts on the children in India. They leave this week for their second service trip. I thought you and/or myla might like to follow along. Also, I know you are a woman with many out reaches and friends. Pass along as you feel needed.
    Good luck with your efforts as well!:-)

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