Kiana is in a total of 8 shows, #3 & 4 were today – We dropped her off early and hit a place called, “Toasters” for sandwiches, they were REALLY good. They sprinkled basalmic vinegar on the bread, really adds some zest! After her matinee, we headed up to “Backer’s Pastry Shop.” Charming!
These cookies were beautiful (as their sign reads), I bought a “rocket ship” for KJ and a “santa” for Myla. As soon as we got home and I gave it to KJ he was blasting it off with sound effects all over the house!
The cupcakes were scrumptious!
Then we hit a strip of Antique stores (we met our antique store quota for the year.) Dusty found a few ancient “Root beers” to add to his collection and Kiana found an advertisement for “The Nutcracker!”
At her evening show, the Morton family came and brought the performer flowers – Merci!
So fun! Oh and those cupcakes look so Cute! Great idea!
You are great at finding the most quaint and yummy places! Stay warm!!
Hi Jane,
I just wanted to wish my blogging friend and her darling family a merry christmas! Lots of love to you and yours.
p.s. those cupcakes are killing me!…current pregnancy craving:)
I’m not sure how I came upon your blog but I’m glad I did. First of all, I live in New England so I’m a Red Sox fan and I noticed that you are too. I was born and raised in SLC and most of my family lives there. Right next to that bakery that you went to there used to be an Orange Julius where my mom worked when she was a teenager…she told me that every time we drove by. Congrats on your little sweetie being in the Nutcracker! Way to go!