my husband is selling his hummer. did you know hummers are no longer being made?!? so, it’s like a collectible! husband is in the market for a more city-friendly car, something that typically fits in parking garages. 🙂
this hummer is pristine – he takes immaculate care of it. {he takes immaculate care of everything.}
if you are interested, either leave a comment below, or email: dusty{at}prolook{dot}com.
at this moment: husband and i are boarding a plane, heading off to one of our favorite cities…bean town. fyi: boston. we will be there the next few days mixing business with pleasure. a little work, and a red sox game. i’ll still be posting while husband is working, so tune in! our kiddos are spending the week with one of their favorite aunties, so they are in heaven!
also, i may have some exciting news to share next week…
{all photos by me.}
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