


Friends. Friends. Friends. I am so pleased to be sharing with you an idea I have had for years, and it is finally coming to fruition!

I enjoy gathering people together. I have a deep appreciation for good whole food. And, I crave learning. Especially learning a new craft. I frequently plan events that involve my family and closest friends, but this – this could involve all of you. I am going to offer something that embodies people, food, and learning combined:


This is about choosing the real over the virtual, creating something that brings a deeper meaning to our lives. Our days are filled with so many tasks, to-do’s, errands, extravagant checklists, and worries. I want to create a moment in time where we come together, enjoy simple pleasures, and relax.

My goal is to host events – usually at my home – but not always – once a month. Maybe more. Each little retreat will include a meal, and an activity. For the inaugural event – I have teamed up with Lizy Bowden of Lizy’s Lilies to create a natural, fresh, beautiful wreath for the holidays! This will be held at my home on Tuesday evening, November 25th. Two days before Thanksgiving so you can have a calm night out before the preparations for Thanksgiving begin – and you can enjoy your new wreath for the holidays. This is not a gender specific event – Men and Women are welcome. Bring a date, friends, moms, any one you would like! No children under sixteen.


The schedule for the evening is as follows:

6:00-6:30pm Cocktails* & hors d’oeuvres

6:30-7:00pm Dinner

7:00-8:30pm Wreath making with Lizy Bowden – Each guests will receive the supplies needed to create one fresh wreath to take home and enjoy during the holidays!

8:30-9:00pm Dessert

Tickets for this little retreat are $100/guest, and will be available on EventBrite later this week. *When purchasing your tickets, if you are interested in an optional alcoholic beverage – please state so in the notes section. A menu for the evening will be sent out in an email confirmation prior to the event. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let me know ahead of time. I will be announce when tickets are LIVE on my instagram account – @see_jane.

I love a life full of warmth, laughter, and friends – I can’t wait to host you. xo.

Jane's feet and wreath


If you feel you have a craft or idea that would be a good fit for LITTLE RETREATS, please email me your ideas at jane(at)prolook(dot)com – I look forward to hearing from you.

Beautiful photography by Becky Kimball.

8 responses to “LITTLE RETREATS”

  1. This is such a wonderful idea! I am a labor and delivery nurse and we were just discussing something similar at work last night where we could all learn to crochet baby hats for Christmas that we could give out to our patients having babies in the month of December. =) I just wanted to tell you a little story of how I came across your blog in the first place it is really kind of crazy like in a six degrees of Kevin Bacon kind of coincidence. I was searching for C Jane Kendrick on instagram as I followed her blog intermittently and thoroughly enjoy her posts. But I had spelled it incorrectly and ended up friend requesting you. I thought your style and creativity was unique and simply beautiful so I stuck around after realizing I had found the wrong C Jane

  2. Sorry the rest of my comment did not post some how. In any case, I love that you are attempting to make something personal in a very virtual world. One in which the word “friend” has lost some of it’s intimacy and is somewhat artificial. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to create something new as well as new relationships. If I lived in Utah I would be honored to be your guest. Blessings to you and your family this holiday season. (By the way what blew my mind was that I found your blog when you lived in MA and had no idea you knew some of the same people on my friends list from Utah. That is what I meant by the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. So strange this internet business)
    Sincerely, Elyse

  3. This is such a wonderful idea. Wished I lived closer to you. It warms my heart to see you creating community in this way. You are inspiring!

  4. My favorite part of all this was your statement “This is about choosing the real over the virtual, creating something that brings a deeper meaning to our lives.” I love that! Sounds like an amazing night – can’t wait to sign up.

  5. Love this so much! Would love to be on a wait list for a future Little Retreat (or as a backup to this one if someone can’t make it last minute!) Also, I would love you to do a fairy garden one for moms and daughters! Or terrariums?! Super fun.

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