Thanksgiving : San Diego

January 26, 2016

San Diego November 2015 from Jane Rhodes on Vimeo.

In November we headed to San Diego to spend Thanksgiving with our friends. We’ve been friends with these two for twenty-two years and the friendship overlaps two generations. It’s good for the soul to be submersed in that kind of laughter, and love for a few days.

Side note: I don’t believe I’ve ever chosen to listen to Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus on my own – but when it was on the radio one day during our trip and the girls in the back seat were rocking out to it – it had to be the song for the video.


a day to be thankful.

November 22, 2012

friends, i hope you all enjoyed a cozy day filled with much to be thankful for. i know my cup runneth over, and this has been a perfect week and month to focus on my blessings.

first, i want to thank you with big hugs for all your prayers, thoughts, and good vibes you have sent my way for my thyroid surgery. i feel great. i expected to feel good, considering i had a day surgery, and knew my healing time wouldn’t be too long. however, i had no idea i would feel SO GOOD. Plus, i was so well-cared for during the few days i needed extra rest. my family, friends, and neighbors are angels. i had lots of extra snuggles and love from my family.


green beans wrapped in bacon

November 21, 2012

happy thanksgiving eve! we have friends visiting, and i am trapped in a happy bubble. good friends just make you laugh the way no one else does, do you know what I mean? it’s so good for the soul. i hoped to share this recipe with you earlier today, but one good thing lead to another, and now before i head off to bed, i must get this posted!

if it isn’t too late to add this to your Thanksgiving menu, or you happen to be serving green beans and have bacon in the fridge, i cannot recommend this recipe enough!

you will need: to serve approximately 12-18

* one pound fresh green beans
* two pounds bacon
* water
* salt

to start,


thanksgiving 2011

December 12, 2011

…i had attempted to get most of the cooking/baking done the day before so i could enjoy the festivities with our gang.

we started the day at our local high school football game.

wellesley vs. needham
this is the oldest h.s. rivalry in the nation!
is that so cool?!?

sadly, we lost…

but, clearly, we still had fun!
look at all of us cheeeeesin:

we have this tradition that on thanksgiving,
we have “snacks” for lunch –
crackers, deli meat, cheese, veggies, pickles, fruit, dips…

and then –


i will be honest. when cooking thanksgiving dinner is a one-persom-job, it is really overwhelming. Everyone was so helpful, but really, i was still doing it alone. and, i have no idea why… but, Thanksgiving dinner always overwhelms me. Christmas doesn’t. Easter doesn’t. I can plan 20 activities for Halloween and i’m fine. I get really emotional with Thanksgiving – all that gratitude on my mind + a big meal to prepare = everyone was lucky i only had one meltdown this year. sometimes it’s worse!

the yummy side of things: we tried a turkey brine this year for the first time. i also chose an organic turkey for the first time. so, i’ve yet to decide if our turkey was so delicious &


thanksgiving table settings…

November 21, 2011

this past week, i taught a mini class on three different styles you could use to set your table for thanksgiving…
the nice part of this, i’m totally prepared now!

a little re-cap:

• start by choosing a table cloth or table runner. try using fabric, sheets, paper, or gift wrap in place of traditional tablecloths – it gives you more variety to choose from & is usually less expensive!
• next, plan a centerpiece. This can be traditional, or an activity for the guests. Your guests will feel extra welcomed if they are aware that you have thought about them beforehand. This includes the place cards! Keep in mind: you don’t have to put names on the place cards,
