christmas day
Myla was right next to our bed…
“Dad, can I go open my presents?”
“No, wait ten more minutes…”
“Dad, can I go see now?”
“no, ten more minutes…”
“Dad, now?”
Finally, at about 8:20 am, she was given permission…first she had to wake up her other siblings!
We really can’t complain, although santa and mrs. claus were really tired and had been up till about 2am, it was 8:20 am, and I’m sure many other families had been awake long before us!
Christmas morning is just so magical to me. I was pretty much an only child growing up, and never opened presents on christmas morning because with divorced parents…my Mom would have Christmas a couple weeks early or we opened everything on Christmas eve…then I would spend my Christmas with my Dad somewhere else with his side of the family and Dad’s {at least mine} didn’t follow through with the whole “christmas morning/santa”