Boston Swan Boats

September 2, 2012

in August, we spent one of our sunday afternoons walking through the Boston public garden. we also road the swan boats, and while on our boat ride we spotted friends from our suburb on the shore. we felt like such locals crossing paths with friends while in the city.

family outings can be adventurous and stimulating, but more often than not, they are much more low-key; they are always though, about sharing an experience. i like it the most when those experiences are completely new to all of us.


Charles River bike path

September 2, 2012

since we moved here i have wanted to take our bikes into the city to ride along the charles river bike path. it winds along the charles river for a fourteen mile loop.

there are good reasons to stop and rest all along the path – cool playgrounds, cafes, festivals, ponds, and of course to view the river! in august, we made this happen, and other than the fact i *flew over my handle bars and crashed at one point, i can’t wait to do it again.

*don’t ride too close to the bike in front of you.


massachusetts beaches

September 1, 2012

this summer we were all about celebrating the long-standing-summer traditions we’ve always cherished,
while also reminding ourselves to start a few of our own new ones here in mass.

so. we went hunting for our favorite beach in massachusetts. i tried to find out exactly how many beaches there are in MA, and didn’t have any luck. so, let me tell you – there are a lot. and we’ve made it to five. however, we did visit those five more than once each. sometimes we’d try a new one, and like it so much we’d have to visit it a few times before choosing another new one. my friend told me that there are so many lovely beaches in the california area.


kj has decided that baseball is his one and only love when it comes to team sports. so, this year he has played spring ball, summer league, and now fall ball! he also takes training classes every week at an indoor baseball center. big papi helped coach when he was in town:

this was our funnest league so far. more practices, more games, and! it was KJ’s first time to travel to an out of town tournament. there is nothing i love more than sitting at a ball park and watching my little guy play baseball. warms my heart.


mini sandcastles

August 8, 2012

this week, sela, kj and i have been touring the beaches of massachusetts. searching for our favorite beach while myla is at {her sixth!} tennis camp and kiana is at a dance intensive. and while touring, we’ve gotten a little creative with our sandcastles.

when we were packing our bags this morning, i started digging through our small kitchen cups, etc. – i instantly had the idea to use all mini cups and tupperware for building our sandcastles today. then, i looked through my baking supplies and once i spotted the leftover cupcake flags from the fourth of july, i knew those had to be flags on top of our sandcastles!

once at the beach,


the north end, boston

August 8, 2012

yesterday we spent the morning getting sela & kJ’s passports renewed in the north end – we need them sooner than we realized in case we head up to canada on our future northwest trip… this little outing led us to hang-out in the north end for the morning, and afternoon. then we took the kids home, and husband and i headed back in to the north end for dinner! we like it there, and look forward to spending more time there in the future!

have you been?

it’s more or less little italy with lots of great food – pasta, gelato, pastries… in a charming area of the city. what’s not to like, right?!?

the north end boston via seejaneblog

the north end boston - rhodes family - via seejaneblog

mike's pastry the north end boston via seejaneblog

caffe pompei the north end boston, via seejaneblog

caffe pompei the north end via seejaneblog

the north end II boston via seejaneblog

{photos by me,
