60 hours…

June 26, 2011

until we’re oughtta here. 

“the plan” continues to change about every six hours.

at this point: husband goes to the philippines tomorrow morning, for 3 weeks. work calls. kiana and i go to NYC on wednesday morning till july 8th. the three other munchkins get to spend time with their aunties & famiy in southern nevada for a bit. On the 8th, kiana and i will be taking a train to boston to finalize our home plans – then the other kids + auntie might be driving out to meet kiana and i in boston. amazing auntie – right? then husband will return to utah on july 16th, get our stuff loaded on a moving truck,


school’s out…

June 3, 2011

at 10:15am this morning.

my kids can’t wait for summer vacation! this will probably be the longest summer vacation they ever have – because, boston school districts don’t get out for summer vacation for a couple more weeks… then, when we usually start school here in utah around the third week of august – they are not going to be returning to school till the first or second week of september! that gives them a full three months to play! woooo-hoooooo! in my opinion, that’s how it should be!

and, in honor of the 2010-2011 school year coming to an end –
here is a long peek at a few of the activities/events my kiddos had at school &


upcycled scooter.

May 27, 2011

we are a scooter-loving-family.

and, this spring kj has been cruising all-over the neighborhood on his sister myla’s hand-me-down razor scooter.

only problem: it’s pink.

each time i watched him cruise by on this barbie pink scooter, i would cringe.

mainly, because: he is not a pink-kind-of-guy. i bought him a pink shirt once, and he adamately refused to wear it. so, i’ve learned my lesson. this kid only wears “boy” colors. he won’t wear pink. purple. not even yellow! meaning: watching him ride this pink-licious scooter was killing me!

so, as we’ve been preparing for our yard sale, we decided we’d sell the pink scooter. and, even kj was ok with that decision regardless of how much he loved riding it!


happy weekend!

May 20, 2011
we are attending kj’s talent show at school this afternoon,
kj’s baseball game {praying for sunshine!},
a saturday morning tennis tournament for moosey,
miss four has her annual dance recital {woot-woot!},
miss thirteen will be dancing, too!

and, more time to organize/pack for our future move…and play in-between!

{p-i-r-a-t-e-s of the caribbean this weekend!}

what are your plans?!?

{photo taken by me, last weekend.}


ohhhhh, the things you’ll do for your kids!

seriously. we are wearing yankee hats!


little league season is well underway, and would you believe our son was placed on the yankees team?!?

when he found out…

he freaked.

husband was out of town when i received the email, and as i gently broke the news to kj…

he freaked.

first, his eyes got really big.

then, he started saying, “i’m not gonna play! i’m not gonna play!”

then, he started crying.

then, i tried to convince him that he would love his team.
