let the holidays begin!

November 23, 2009

this past weekend, i finished most our preparations for thanksgiving. our pantry, two fridges, and two freezers are packed with food, and supplies. i am hoping to enjoy the five days off with my hubby & kids, even if it means alot more work now.

our thanksgiving holiday includes playing flag football, we try to get all ages to play. this year we are also making plans to have a game of kick ball. we have a big family meal packed with all the traditional food, during which we share things we are thankful for. then once the kitchen is clean we head off to the movies. {i think we’ll be seeing disney’s “the princess &



August 14, 2009

has anyone seen “CUJO” by stephen king… story about a crazed rabied dog that attacks and kills everything.

well, 2 nights ago dusty and i decided to continue our “couch Potato to 5k” training… the night before we had walked for 5 minutes, ran for 90 seconds, walked for 90 seconds, ran for 3 minutes, walked for 3 minutes and then repeated… melody, shannon child, spicy {our overacheiving marathoner friends}… stop laughing at our lack of jogging prowess. anyway, we walked up to carterville because there “ain’t no way” my husband was gonna run up that little hill. we turned south and began to jog… it was pitch dark {who came up with that phrase anyway? what is pitch??


the rhodes home

July 24, 2009

is a tonsil-free environment.

myla, kj, and sela had their tonsils and adenoids taken out thursday morning. it was a buy two get one free deal. {kidding.}

it’s not due to illness, all of them including kiana {who had her tonsils and adenoids taken out one or two years ago. i can’t quite remember when it was} have always had minor issues related to breathing. sela sparkles being the worst case – she’s survived sleep apnea. not something you want to mess with.

the hospital staff and doctor was great. they gave us our own little family suite supplied with all kinds of books, stickers, markers, and princess crowns.

kiana and i were hanging out on the pediatric floor waiting for sela to return from surgery when this big dog walked by.


the quiet killer

April 8, 2009

carbon monoxide.

this past Monday Questar Gas was at our house to check on a gas leak that we have had challenges with for the past five years. At approximately 10:30 am they knocked on our front door and said,

“you need to evacuate your home, immediately.”

Evidently, the gas leak was bad. It has been leaking from our main line to our gas fireplace in the back yard all winter. Because it was winter, the snow pack and frozen soil has been holding the chemicals within the soil, for months…

not good.

The nice gas man said we could possibly return to our home that afternoon, or it could take up to a week to lower the levels of carbon monoxide in our back yard to a safe level that we could return home to.
