loyalty vs good business…

January 2, 2012

Loyalty vs. good biz decision.

I had a Hummer once. It was my dream car. It was big, decked, and perfect for ME. It also got about 9 miles to the gallon. Moving to Boston I needed something I could actually park on the street and that got better gas mileage. I sold the Hummer of 3 years and bought a little crossover. I’m not telling you this to brag that I owned a Hummer (however, did it work? Are you jealous?). I’m referring to El Capitan or Tek. He wants to play and we owe it to him, right?? He’s caught more games in a Red Sox uniform than anyone else. He’s also helped us win two WS titles and helped break the curse!


did you know i am married to a red sox fanatic? {is there a club or support group for wives like me?!?} did you know we spent years talking & dreaming about living out east? did you know we finally made the big move? did you know we uprooted our family of six that was born & raised out west and moved to Boston so we could be closer to the sox? sounds crazy, right? it’s totally true.

most of our adventures since moving to boston in july of 2011 can be found right here on see jane blog. recently, husband and i decided it would be fun to give him his own space here to write about his beloved sox.
