it’s time to mingle!

June 19, 2012

hello there! i am so excited to share some news with you… this past month has been truly exhausting, but lucky for all of us – there is a party on the horizon!

remember this event in February? Well… things have changed just a little {i scooted your cheese over just a tiny bit} and now we are mingle! the name changed, but our vision remains the same. mingle has replaced “utah bloggers.” so, go grab your iPhone-calender-planner-whatever you schedule your life with, and pencil in this info:

look at the sponsors, we are going to have the best party ever!


Pivot 2.0

May 12, 2012

This past Tuesday I attended the coolest event – Pivot 2.0. what is Pivot 2.0 you ask?

…a networking event for Boston women involved in business, technology, and social media. Pivot’s goal is to provide women at all stages of their lives and careers the chance to come together to network, share their stories, and eat cupcakes.

I heard about Pivot 2.0 via one of its team members Christine Koh of Boston Mamas. I am a contributor for Bostom Mamas, and I could not be happier that I decided to attend this event. It was networking at it’s finest!  Clearly, I had a good time:

Whitney Johnson,
