Christmas 2015

January 26, 2016

Christmas 2015 from Jane Rhodes on Vimeo.

Christmas felt extra special this year. I caught myself all day long every day for weeks humming Christmas songs and walking with an extra upbeat momentum in my step. The whole month of December felt wonderful. Maybe because I was in my last semester of undergrad classes and couldn’t wait to be finished, or just because I felt extraordinarily blessed being surrounded by loved ones. Whatever ignited the feeling, it was good.

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. -Hamilton Wright Mabie

Also, Sela played Michael Buble’s ‘jingle bells’


christmas eve

December 27, 2012

sushi. holiday cards. good friends. good food. traditional christmas jammies. snuggles. cookies for santa. apples for the reindeer. movie: christmas vacation while playing crazy eights.

a new tradition: sitting around the tree sharing our favorite memories of 2012. my favorite memory: the moment we were all singing country songs driving around crescent lake in washington on this road trip. amazing: every one of my kids shared favorite memories that all had to do with spending time together as a family. no favorite toys. no favorite video games were mentioned. kj was almost in tears because he wanted to be back in cabo with his dear friends.

my heart was smiling.

christmas eve sushi tradition via seejaneblog

christmas eve dinner via seejaneblog

christmas eve via seejaneblog

christmas eve jammies via seejaneblog

bw christmas eve

cookies for santa, apples for the reindeer

family games

christmas eve with american girl doll

{all photos by me.
