the spiers family…

June 27, 2010

i recently updated their blog, with a new look!

jessy wanted something in the blue/rustic orange color scheme with possible flowers… so i learned how to make illustrator flowers for this project – it was so fun!


dear friends, family, and the blogging-community in general…

i am starting some serious spring cleaning on my blog.

one of the first changes is taking place on my right column.

my “bloggity-blogs”, “private blogs”,”shops/brands i like”, and “you should visit” sections are on their way out!

i’ve officially joined the world of ‘google-reader’ where i have transferred all of your links+more and i will be visiting you via my reader.

so, when you see that your blog link has left my blog, please, please, please,
do not feel bad. i am still reading. still visiting. still commenting. you are all still my favorite people!


party perfect…

May 10, 2010
is a fabulous blog/resource for party plans.

it’s been listed on my ‘you should visit’ over on my right column for a long time now.

sara shares heaps & heaps of adorable, inspiring ideas.

i was featured there today as “

g.i.jane’s army party

love the clever title.

{i’m kind of thrilled!}

happy monday!!!


i’m accepting sponsors…

January 28, 2010

i am trying something new…
i’m accepting sponsors!

{to the left, on my new sidebar!}

i have lots of lovely readers from all over the world and i am a HUGE fan of the blogging community!

because of this i am excited to promote, introduce, and publicize fellow artists, crafters, photographers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, designers, fashionistas, you name it!

~charming little rates for everyone!

email me for more info:


do you like the ‘love cloud’ image above?
go here to purchase a print,
