
August 2, 2009
to our dear, dear friends.

the morton family-

it’s a girl!

kelsey caryn morton
aug. 1, 2009
10:21 pm
2o inches; 7.7 pounds

miss kelsey is a doll, with three doting brothers and papa.
momma is as beautiful as ever. stunning, actually.

we took caryn a jamba juice on saturday, at 6pm.

at 8pm she went to the hospital.

dusty’s pretty positve it was her “mango mantra” that put her into labor, and thinks she should have named her “kelsey mantra.” lol.


Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2007

Our family hopes you share the holidays with friends & family. They are one of the greatest true meanings of Christmas. We hope you are happy, healthy, and have peace in your heart. We love you all, XOXO.
