a day to be thankful.

November 22, 2012

friends, i hope you all enjoyed a cozy day filled with much to be thankful for. i know my cup runneth over, and this has been a perfect week and month to focus on my blessings.

first, i want to thank you with big hugs for all your prayers, thoughts, and good vibes you have sent my way for my thyroid surgery. i feel great. i expected to feel good, considering i had a day surgery, and knew my healing time wouldn’t be too long. however, i had no idea i would feel SO GOOD. Plus, i was so well-cared for during the few days i needed extra rest. my family, friends, and neighbors are angels. i had lots of extra snuggles and love from my family.


“The first outdoor living history exhibit you will encounter on your visit is the Wampanoag Homesite, located on the banks of the Eel River. Here you’ll discover how the 17th-century Wampanoag would have lived along the coast during the growing season; planting their crops, fishing and hunting, gathering wild herbs and berries for food, and reeds for making mats and baskets. You’ll see different kinds of homes including a mat-covered wetu, the Wampanoag word for house, and a bark-covered long house or nush wetu, meaning a house with three fire pits inside. Food is cooked over an open fire using only the ingredients that were available in the 1600s.
