*new to me*

June 18, 2012

hello friends.   how was your weekend?  did you celebrate Father’s Day?  I will be sharing more about our Father’s day later today.  Until then, I am really excited to introduce you to Aleks Patrovitch.

Aleks and I met via a virtual-mutual contact this year, and it’s been amazing to learn of his artistic talents.  Last week i downloaded an app that Aleks designed called, Gnomie Farmland Adventure.

this app is geared towards younger children, I would say ages 3-6, and it is so unique because mom and dad can record their voices for the child to hear his or her parents when playing the app. I tested it out on Sela this last week and she loves it!


print your instagrams!

February 7, 2012

i am completely addicted to instagram, especially after learning how to put a link on instagram bio! and, i am very content with this addiction. if you are as addicted to insta as i am, i’m sure you’ve used a free followers site like https://www.socialfollow.co before. how do you add whipped cream & a cherry on top to instagram? you turn those instagrams into lasting works of art, like this: print those grams! You may choose to pick just your favorites or maybe even the ones that got the most likes. If you use Buzzoid.com then I’m sure you will have plenty with a lot of likes!

how & where do you print them?
