Today, I am sharing with you some personal political opinions because I think our nation lives in a state of fear and naivety when it comes to immigrants in the USA. More specifically, when it comes to immigrants from Mexico or Central American countries. I am referring to immigrants who are living in our communities currently trying to seek assistance or get citizenship and immigrants at the border or on their way as I type this and they are praying to arrive in the U.S. safely. (You can read updates here, here, here and here.)

First of all, like some of you my heart has been aching and my soul horrified to see children,


for japan with love.

March 18, 2011
i’ll be taking friday off to participate in
for japan with love; bloggers day of silence.
i cannot imagine the grief, and pain this country & their people are facing.
god bless all who are dealing with illness, heartache, and lost loved ones.
may they quickly find peace, and regain hope.

For Japan With Love has a direct link on their website to a fundraising page for ShelterBox. ShelterBox was one of THE first organizations asked by Japan to help and were on hand on the Saturday after the quake.
