Let one of your kiddos draw the picture for your holiday cards via seejaneblogThis year I did something new – with Sela’s love of drawing I asked her to draw a festive picture for our annual holiday card. Then I scanned it and using artifact uprising and one of their everyday cards templates – I had cards made! I LOVE how it turned out, so cute and personal. Also, I begged Kiana to write our annual letter since I was in the midst of seven classes – she obliged and I think she did great too. A good family effort. Since this is being posted late – I hope you all enjoyed the holidays, surrounded with those you love. xo.  


{our annual family newsletter & pictures}


the holidays 2010

well, dusty closed the doors of his company of almost 15 years- pro look sports. we sold our house, pulled the kids out of school, and are moving to a commune in montana to grow organic food, raise animals, and live in peace with the universe. ok, maybe not…changed our minds once we realized there was no indoor plumbing. anyway, i wanted to start this letter with something more interesting than, “this economy sucks, happy holidays…how are you?!?”

for those of you saying, “but dusty & jane, your christmas letter is the most exciting part of my family’s christmas celebration and we look forward to it with joyful glee and anticipation” please get a life!
