halloween 2009

November 2, 2009
halloween is so much fun, and kids make it crazy fun!

we hosted our annual pre-trick-or-treating dinner party
which includes lots of friends, creative costumes, and
creamy chicken noodle soup served in pumpkin bread bowls!

our party…


{halloween: 2007,


tu-tu cute!

November 2, 2009
sela takes two dance classes each week, from two different teachers at
last week, each teacher had their classes perform in-studio recitals
for halloween.

monday she was a fairy and tuesday she was a bumblebee.

on tuesday morning, before her class sela was not in a picture-taking
mood no matter what coaxing i tried.

tu-tu cute!


boo-ing season

October 26, 2009

is here!

dusty took our kids out boo-ing last week. i found these cute & very affordable {$4.95} kits at starbucks. I also chose to fill them with sugar-free treats from starbucks. I figured that way they were adult & kid friendly.

by the way, if you remember…dusty, danny, and i made a bet to stay-off-sugar for TWELVE weeks!

how insane are we?!?

well, we are all eights weeks in and doing great! 4 weeks to go, then we’re going to indulge in thanksgiving~yams, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie..of course, in small portions.

then we’ll keep going sugar-free! did anyone join us in this insanity?


halloween sneak-peak

September 24, 2009
our little cupcake is going to be a cupcake for halloween!
{ordered the costume, here.}

i love. love. love her costume! the day it arrived in the mail, sela was so excited about it! she put it on immediately and let me take a picture on my cell phone {shown below.} sela would say, “wait, mom!” and kneel down so the bottom of the cupcake touched the floor and then tell me “o-tay, take the picture!”

{a few days later}

dusty had this conversation with sela:

dusty: “…you gonna be a cupcake for halloween?”

sela: “yeah,
