sela’s going-away party! sela requested “mustard yellow” which happens to be one of her favorite colors – and then when we were buying treats/etc. she kept saying “mustard yellow….AND PINK!” totally fits this baby girl of mine.

how cute are all these little girls? omgosh, killer. all those swimsuit ruffles!

this party was fun for all my kids because each bestie of mine who has a miss four-five, has older kids who are also buddies with my older kids, so everyone had fun – again!

shannon was taking the picture of myla &



June 28, 2011

myla-moosey’s party!!!

the four amigos. cason – 12, kj – 8, brevin – almost 10, and myla – 11-and-a-half. you would think they would be buddies by the oldest two and the younger two… but, no. cason – twelve hangs out with kj – eight because they are the gamers… and brevin – 10 hangs out with myla – almost 12, because they are the quirky little athletes. i cherish these cuties.

{myla & kayman}


myla’s party quickly moved from the pool to the sand volleyball pit.

this sand pit {fyi –


60 hours…

June 26, 2011

until we’re oughtta here. 

“the plan” continues to change about every six hours.

at this point: husband goes to the philippines tomorrow morning, for 3 weeks. work calls. kiana and i go to NYC on wednesday morning till july 8th. the three other munchkins get to spend time with their aunties & famiy in southern nevada for a bit. On the 8th, kiana and i will be taking a train to boston to finalize our home plans – then the other kids + auntie might be driving out to meet kiana and i in boston. amazing auntie – right? then husband will return to utah on july 16th, get our stuff loaded on a moving truck,



February 10, 2011

my kids have been sharing cold symptoms for three-weeks now.

i’ve taken three of them to our pediatrician, and i’ve been told three times,
they have colds.

fevers. sore throats. head aches. tummy aches.

occasionally, i catch myself day dreaming about sunny days, our swimming pool, and flip flops.

and by occasionally, i mean frequently.

when i look at these pictures by the-ever-talented-vanessa

i can’t believe our grass was ever that green.

we have flowers that grow in pots, on our patio?

we have sand that is warm to the touch?

we have barefeet outside?


she’s a big kid now!

July 12, 2010

being the youngest in a family can be rough…

for the past couple of years, sela wakes up everyday and asks,

“what am i doing today, momma?”

she’s hoping there is something just for her! i try to plan her regular play dates, and we get out to the library, etc. but typically i respond with something like,

“well, you can come downstairs and exercise with me, then you’re going to hang out with grandma while i go to class. then we’re going to pick the kids up from school, go to art, piano, take kiana to dance. then myla and kj have tennis…you get to go to kj’s baseball game!”
