Hey friends. On my last video post I had a few inquiries about how I create the videos. I’d love to give you a few tips, and answer ANY questions you have but keep in mind this is the short version of instructions!

1 – I use my iPhone 5S for ALL of my footage. (I am DYING to get my hands on the new iPhone 6 just because I hear the camera is so much better!!!) I shoot everything with my phone horizontally, always tipping my phone to the left – in the same direction each time I take a video. If you don’t shoot it the same way, you can later edit it and flip it around or zoom-in later in iMovie but it’s an extra step or two to do so.


laguna beach, california

September 22, 2014

This past July our family took a road trip to one of our favorite places on earth – Laguna Beach, California. My husband has family there, and each time we visit we dream of living there one day. If our future plans go as we hope they will – we’d like to move there in about four years – after Kiana and Myla have graduated from high school in Utah. Until then, I’ll just keep watching this video and dream of the day to come!

This is the first video I have ever created, so be easy on me. It’s a new hobby still in it’s early stages. But I’m so obsessed! I want to make videos all the time!!!


last september we had our family pictures by blue lily photography. at the same time they shot a little video of us. i absolutely adore those blue lily peeps, and if you haven’t checked out their siteyou should. they are currently touring the world teaching photography and shooting incredible photos in the process. they may be near you soon! they will be in boston again this Fall.

each time i watch this video i catch myself smiling from beginning to end. so many little things that you might not notice that happen every day in our family are caught on tape.

hope you enjoy the video.
