elf on the shelf :: 27 ideas

December 28, 2012

mr. bean made his second annual debut at our home this year. he was greeted each morning with squeals and smiles when our kiddos would find him in new spots. {my older kiddos rolling their eyes at me. it happens. they grow up.} sometimes he would surprise us bearing gifts and sometimes causing mischief. there’s something so fun about the power of imagination during the holidays, this little guy adds wonder and excitement to the entire month.

in pictures, twenty-seven elf on the shelf ideas:

elf on the shelf, twenty-seven ideas via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas2 via seejaneblog.co

elf on the shelf ideas3 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas4 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas5 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas6 via see jane blog

elf on the shelf ideas7 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas8 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas9 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas10 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas11 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas12 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas13 via seejaneblog

elf on the shelf ideas14 via seejaneblog

{all photos by me,


ok readers, i told you yesterday there was going to be a surprise! it’s time to share our families love of black-framed retro glasses and mr. bean’s style with the world!

this year, we want all of your elves to magically appear around the house in cool eye swag! so, i’ve planned an easy way for you to make them:

  • print the elf glasses template on card stock.
  • trim the glasses slowly & carefully with an exacto knife. i recommend putting cardboard or a cutting board under the paper. using a ruler will help you cut straight.
  • using zots dots, or something similar,


elf on the shelf :: giveaway

November 14, 2012

something fun for this wednesday morning: i have a great giveaway for you! the sponsor is me!

in honor of the season, i have assembled twenty-five days of elf gifts and mischief, for one lucky winner.

the prize includes one {mister} elf + everything you see below for up-to a family of six kiddos. {my sincerest apologies if you have more than six children, i had to draw the line somewhere. and i don’t personally know anyone with more than six munchkins.} check it out:

one winner will receive:

1: elf on the shelf + automoblox by manhattan toy C9 red sportscar.


elf on the shelf

December 23, 2011

more mr. bean sightings —

zip-lining across the family room :: mistletoe in the dollhouse

party elf :: mr. bean brought us snow! :: in disguise in the xmas tree

rudolph came to visit & together they painted the kids’ noses red while they were sleeping! ha!

the creatures were stirring :: sipping’ syrup

mr. bean & barbie found our wishbone from thanksgiving! :: domino’s!

hanging-around in some tulle after a busy season…

previously shown here.


elf on the shelf

December 6, 2011

introducing, our elf.

mr. bean {named appropriately for bean town}

mr. bean arrived before thanksgiving this year!
so, the first few times he was spotted, he was spreading pumpkin-turkey-“indian” tent- cheer!

then he helped us prepare for christmas!

…when sela noticed he was having a snowball fight with ms. owl,
she made ms. owl some full-body armor with a piece of paper!

mr. bean really started to develop his character,
he’s quite the original elf!

…we knew mr.
